Ethos tank setup

For basic electronics connection diagram look here.

1) Bind new receiver and turn OFF stabilisation in Device config - SxR:

2) Create new mixer for throttle:

3) Name it Throttle, select switch (SF in my case) to make it inactive by default due to security reason
(motors are off after connecting the baterry), select "Throttle" source:

Switch SF is active:

4) setup output to CH1 (left motor) and CH2 (right motor) - connect motors wires to ESC to rotate the right direction:

5) Create new mixer for direction:

6) Name it DIRECTION, select switch (SF in my case) to make it inactive by default due to security reason
(motors are off after connecting the baterry), select "Aileron" source:

7) Setup Weight Up and Down to 50%:

8) Setup Outputs to CH1 and CH2 (Reversed):

9) Create new mixer and name it TURRET:

10) Set Output to CH3:

11) Create new mixer and name it MAIN GUN:

12) Set Output to CH4:

DONE! The correct output will be displayed on the next screens:

Full forward:

Full backward:

Full left:

Full right: